
June 03, 2010, 3:30 pm
those who criticise our generation forgot who raised it


get ready your bandwidth.

outside his place!

random mall.


standard tourist shot.

if i had a world of my own,
everything would be nonsense.
nothing would be what it is,
because everything would be what it isn't.
and contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be.
and what it wouldn't be, it would. you see?

fireworks during dinner with his friends!

going to the beach in winter is cold.

waiting for the bus!

waves are the same level as swimming pool!
you could get caught up and rolled out into the ocean with the swirl!

hippie look for the roadtrip to a hippie town.

city lights.

hey look! no lights.

the Holden Cruze, aussie's own.

no need for brains when you drive auto.

pit stop for toilet.
too creepy looking to use.

got pulled over for speeding.
cops came out of nowhere man.
fine was AUD 200.
tsk tsk tsk.

made it after a 10hour drive,
stopping only for food, toilets, and gas.
auto people have nothing to complain about!

white kampung.

dirty and muddy swampy stream,
apparently people swim there in the summer.

random beach we turned into during the drive back to sydney.

not as cold the further north you go.

can't get over it,
driving auto is such a breeze.

stopped at small towns along the way
and explored the entire northern area of NSW!

back to the city!

police on horseback.


Sublime, plays house, trance and dance music.

smoking area, freezing cause the heater was down.

good night.