
June 24, 2006, 1:28 pm
eldest wedding

[to be your number one ]

so, the eldest got married yesterday.

i get to sit in a jaguar! it was the bridal car.
and i forgot to take a pic of it.

the bride is at the bottom right.

the other person featured is the second eldest.

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what a waste the three of us didnt take a pic together with my hp.
the bride is just too busy!

MORE pictures of the wedding next entry. haha.

it was like prom all over again. hehe.

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i just realized i've never posted any photos of the prom at all.
wow this is the first time! haha.

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everytime i look at the prom pics i will think of ALL the pics i took that i didnt receive.

yucks! i think i only got back 60% of all the photos we took at prom leh.

what is this??

btw for polymates, my prom was held at Meritus Mandarin.
and we booked a room at Crown Prince hotel to change.

the eldest's wedding was at Holiday Inn.
four stars only and the suite for us to change is so small.

we were given two rooms actually but everybody decided to squeeze in the main suite for makeup and hair.
more convenient.

20 girls dressing up in the same room!

wires and makeup and food all over the place.

did i mention i was the emcee?
with my sis' best friend.

and the script we were given was wrong.
the format was toally screwed up.

so what to do? improvised.

it didnt turn out that bad but there was some parts when i was totally lost.

and my fellow emcee wasnt experienced at all too. LOL. she used to be a wedding planner. for 5years.
so still alright man.

anyway the audience forgave me seeing im so young and cute and adorable.

being the emcee was really fun and important though. hehe.

the hotel management will keep wanting to discuss stuff with you.
you have to socialise with the guests.
you have to keep running around to make sure everything was ok before the ceremony....

im sure the point is taken.


i'll give more details about the BIG day next entry!

whatever was joyce thinking???

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