
December 16, 2004, 1:24 pm

[would you say they find me unstable Cause they see me act a little bit different]

hunk: guy at bike shop.guy playing pool.staff at kbox
babe: unknown girl in a np

monday. kbox! saw many hunks dere siax!

hunk 1: walked past him on e way 2 toilet
hunk 2: playing pool
hunk 3,4: e staff dere.

cuz we sitting near e counter dere so when dey come refill e drinks n stuff can keep seeing demx. hehex!

hunk 2 really damn handsome siax! look lyk japx.

tuesdayx. went 2 help sam give out e pampletsx.

aft tt at nite think i over eatx. den keep vomitting siax. lolx

nv slpx. juz vomit every 10 - 15 minsx. wondering y dun 1 vomit everything at 1 go[x].

vomit lil bit at a tymex. more xin ku n waste water lehx. cuz muz keep flushing n flushingx.

horrible siax. stomach feels lyk shitx.

n my face v pale n lips v redx. haha look lyk vampirex!

den in e morn wednesdayx. still vomittingx. by tt tyme nth 2 vomit liaox. so vomit out e bilex.

omgx. green n bitter 1[x].

aft tt went 2 c e docx. on e way dere vomitted toox. lucky gt plastic bagx.

she gave me injection cuz i'll threw up e medi[x]. might be stomach flu cuz i dun hv diarrohea so itz not food poisoningx.

on e way hm threw up againx. lucky mom stand by plastic bag liaox.


only thing gd tt comes out of dis iz tt i got slimmerx. X=

today was supposed 2 go cut hairx. but den decided not 2[x]. cuz lyk still kinda weak lyddatx.

e medi make me so weak siax. lyk so lifeless n no energy manx.


o yahx. now my stomach gt muscle pain liaox. hahax!

vomit until muscle painx. pro arhx!