
May 16, 2004, 12:21 am
yandao/cute guys dae!

[Im sick and tired of your excuses Cant deal with living anymore]

van helsingx! how cool n handsome iz hex???? ansx: look at hugh jackmanx!

count draculax! how cool n handsome iz hex???? ansx: look at richard roxburghx!

annax! how pretty n cool iz shex???? ansx: look at kate beckinsalex!

carlx! how funny n cute iz hex???? ansx: look at david wenhamx!

vampire bridesx! how cool n pretty r deyx???? ansx: look at elena, silvia, josiex!

frankensteinx! how loyal iz himx???? ansx: look at e moviex.. hahax.. played by shuler hensleyx!

yupx! i juz saw van helsingx.. 1ed 2 c it since last mthx.. when i saw e trailerx..

itz kinda lyk underworldx.. but much more coolx.. both gt werewolves VS vampiresx.. kate beckinsalex.. cool weaponsx.. blahx..

kate look so much prettier wif long hairx.. not lyk in underworldx.. short hairx.. but in both shez damn coolx..

hugh iz soooooo cool n shuaix!!!!!!!! in xmen he lyk v old lyddatx.. in here he much more nicerx.. hahax.. i prefer him herex.. soooooooooo handsomex!!!!

omg lohx! richard play dracula vvvvv well siax.. he act until v gdx.. hez so cooooool n yandao in herex!!!!!! vampires rawksx!!!!!!!

e whole movie juz rox!!!! o manx!! itz e best vampire movie dis yrx!! woHoox!!

yayx! cute guys n yandaos 2dae not on holsx!! hahax.. fr e moment i step out of my house until i go hmx.. i keep on seein dem siax.. gt soooo manyx.. wahx! feast 4 my eyesx.. hehex..

hmmzx.. 1 more dae leftx! den iz end of examsx liaox!! hahax!! woox~ going on shoppin spree wif my fren when june hols startx!!!! LOLx..